What is the DeviceHub?


DeviceHub provides the mechanism for connecting to physical devices (PLCs, sensors, etc.) to collect data from them.

  • DeviceHub needs to be configured for southbound connections, including connections to PLCs.
  • DeviceHub collects data from physical devices and publishes it to an internal message broker. The data can be sent securely to the cloud via DataHub, or it can be managed locally and sent to any desired destination, or both.
  • DeviceHub's main purpose is to collect data from PLCs (Programmable Logic Controller), classify the data by adding OMA tagging, and publish it to a Message Broker subject for further distribution.
  • PLC-level statistics and input/output data can be obtained at the edge using DeviceHub.
  • There are 35+ device drivers included in DeviceHub. DeviceHub supports many PLC manufacturers, such as Siemens, Allen-Bradley, Mitsubishi, Omron, etc. 
  • Refer to What is DeviceHub